Monday, May 30, 2011

Cat of the Year

On Friday when I got home from work, my cat Stockton was in the driveway, waiting to greet me. I got out of the car and watched as Stockton began twisting and turning on the concrete.. this is our daily ritual.

I get home. Stockton rolls around on the ground. I find it endearing. So endearing, that I think EVERYONE should get to enjoy his cuteness. So, I did what any proud mother/pet owner would do... I got out my camera to exploit him.

I ran inside after capturing his awkward/awesomeness to show The Husband.

"Look! Look what our cat does when I get home! Tell me its adorable... tell me its charming... tell me I'm right to think its hilarious! "

I proceeded to show The Husband my video.

I was expecting a big reaction. Side splitting laughter, at the very least. But no. All I got was this:

(bored, monotone) "Hm. Upload it to YouTube. Maybe you'll get a million hits."

Excuse me? No one reacts to my exploitation of my pet with weary disinterest!!! I was outraged!!!

"Fine then!" I said, "Consider it done!"... and I stormed off.

What The Husband should know about me is that I am a woman of my word. Perhaps he does not think our cat is hilarious... but I can guarantee that I will NOT share my trillions of dollars I get from my MILLIONS... no... GAZILLIONS of YouTube hits I get from my cat video. Cats are very popular right now, Stockon is sure to be a big deal.

Consider it done, Husband. Consider it done.

I present to you.... Stockton... Cat of the Year:

Watch it here.


MulfHerd said...

Ha ha! Now all Stockton needs is a piano and some pistachios and he'll be puuuurfect! ;)

Greetings from Texas! said...

hilarious! I love the opening "meow".