Thursday, May 19, 2011

Late Night Conversations

Last night as I was lying in bed I turned to The Husband:

Me: “Hey, what’s the name of the Jetson’s dog?”

Husband: “What?"

Me: "The Jetsons. What was the name of their dog? I can't think of it."

Husband: "Uh….. Leroy, I think.”

Me: “What?! No, EL-roy is the brother, the dog’s name is (thinking…. thinking…) Astro!”

Husband: “Oh, yeah.”

Me: (singing) “Meet George Jetson! His son Elroy. Daughter Judy. Jane, his wife…”

Husband: “Boy.”

Me: “What?”

Husband: “His BOY Elroy. Its ‘boy’ because it rhymes.”

Me: “I don't get it. What's it supposed to rhyme with?"

Husband: "BOY. ELROY."

Me: "Oh…. (after some time) And what was the name of the robot Maid?”

Husband: “I have no idea.”

Me: “Something that starts with an ‘R’..”

Husband: “Yeah, that sou..”

Me: (interrupting) “ROSIE!”

Husband: “Yeah, I think that’s it.”

Me: “Yeah.”

After some silence, sitting in the dark.

Husband: “What made you think about the Jetsons?”

Me: “I don’t know… I just think about them a lot.”

Husband: “Really? That’s weird.”

Me: “Well, I think its because I wish I had that cool contraption they have, where a tube drops down over you and then five seconds later it has done your hair and make-up and has dressed you in the cutest outfit ever.”

Husband: “Weird.”

Me: “Yeah, I guess so. I can’t help it though. I always think about the Jetsons, probably on a daily basis. My mind just always wanders to them. The Jetsons and Rescue Rangers…. (Thinking again…) Hey, what’s the name of the girl mouse on Rescue Rangers?”

Husband: “Gadget. Because she is always fixing everything.”

Me: “Oh yeah… and wasn’t there a fat one too?”

Husband: “Monterey Jack… because he liked cheese.”

Me: “Oh yeah!”

After more silence.

Me: “Wasn’t there another one? I mean, besides Chip and Dale?”

Husband: “No, I think it was just the four of them.”

Me: “Really? I swear they had like, a little guy who was their friend.. like a bug.”

Husband: “Yeah, I think Gadget had a pet lightening bug.”

Me: “What was his name?”

Husband: “I don’t know… Buzz or something…”

Me: “Buzz? That’s a dumb name for a lightening bug. It should have been something like ‘Blinky’, or something… “

Husband: “Yeah, that’s it. I think it was Blinker.”

(SIDE NOTE: His name is actually ‘Zipper”, he’s a green fly and he is NOT Gadget's pet.)

More silence.

Me: “Who was the bad guy?”

Husband: “I don’t know… I think there were lots of bad guys. It changed every episode.”

Me: “FAT CAT!”

Husband: “What?”

Me: “Fat Cat! He was their arch nemesis.”

Husband: “If you say so.”

Me: “I’m positive about this one.”

More silence in the dark.

Husband: (singing) “Chi-chi-chi-CHIP and DALE! Rescue Rangers. Chi-chi-chi-CHIP and DALE!”

Me: (Singing echo) “Rescue Rangers!”

More silence.

Husband: “I can see why you think about Rescue Rangers a lot.”

Me: “Really?”

Husband: “Yeah, that song gets stuck in your head.”

Me: “I know.”

Longest silence yet.

Me: “Hey, remember that one with Baloo?”

Husband: “The Jungle Book?”

Me: “No, the one where they flew a plane… (thinking… thinking… ) Tailspin!”

Husband: “Go to sleep.”

Me: “Yeah… I think about that one a lot too.”

Husband: “GO. TO. SLEEP.”

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