Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Shoes Glorious Shoes!!!

Well it's definitely no surprise that I am in LOVE with shoes... I'm a woman! And, because of my love for shoes, I've decided that MY shoes deserve their own blog post.

My current favorite pair of shoes are a pair I like to call "Old Reliable". I bought these shoes ON SALE (as I buy MOST of my shoes) which makes them even MORE attractive. They are brown suede high heels that are not only comfortable, BUT they make my legs look amazing! (Seriously, they do.) They have a "Genuine Leather" sole too. Now, normally I could care less if the soles of my shoes are "Genuine" or not, but in this case, it matters. I mean, these ARE my favorite pair of shoes and I want them to last a long time (they've already lasted about a year, and that's with me wearing them almost three times a week!) I have NEVER let ANYONE borrow these shoes for fear that they might be tainted by the borrower. So, if I've totally turned you on by describing these amazing shoes, FORGET IT! You can't borrow them.

My old favorite pair of shoes are now dead, BUT in my life time of shoes, they beat out all the rest. They were white and gold faux snake skin heels. Ah! They were gorgeous! I could wear them with ANYTHING. They were the perfect accessory to any outfit. Then one day i left them out, and my Schnauzer, Dill, ate them. I guess she must have thought they were Candy or something (they definitely were EYE CANDY). I cried and cried when I found the destroyed shoes! So, (and this next part is so completely embarrassing, so you're welcome to skip over it) I tried to glue them back together. Ha ha! I'm so pathetic! They looked alright on the outside, but they were terribly uncomfortable to wear, so I was FORCED to retire them. I'm still looking for a similar pair to replace them (if you find any, give me a holler).

Now, if you're a man, you probably don't understand a woman's fascination with shoes. Let me attempt to explain. In every woman's closet there are three different types of clothes: 1. Fat Clothes 2. Skinny Clothes 3. Betweenies. Just the other day my husband was completely shocked at how many pair of jeans I own, but I can't help it! I don't want to get rid of the Fat Jeans, because I may need to wear them someday, and I just CAN'T get rid of the Skinny Jeans, they're my inspiration! So I'm stuck with a drawer full of jeans and only a few pair I actually wear.

How does that relate to shoes? Well, no matter how wide your hips get, your shoes will still fit! So, what's the first thing a woman likes to buy when she's out shopping? Shoes of course! When you're depressed because you're wearing your Fat Jeans again, a brand new pair of cute wedges will always cheer you up! When you gain back that 5 pounds you just lost last month, those strappy stilettos are a sure confidence booster. And even when you fit in the Skinny Jeans, it still feels great to wear an amazing pair of heels to accent you're rockin' bod!

Does that make sense? If you're a woman, I know it does. So, this is my Ode to Shoes, let it we written, let it be known. Infact, I may just go purchase a new pair today...

1 comment:

ks said...

Torrey! This is hilarious! I can so relate to the drawers of jeans that haven't been worn forever because they are too big or too small! And I'm constantly setting goals for myself: "I'll wear my size six seven jeans to this event that's in two months" and I'm never able to.....yet. And the shoe-destroying dog story, I almost cried when I was reading it. I would like to dedicate this comment to the memory of my leopard print wedges from Nordstrom (one of the few pairs I've paid full price for in my life) that I wore a minimum of 3 times a week. May they rest in peace after Versace shredded them during a midnight doggy rampage.