Thursday, April 10, 2008

Honestly, WOW.

Last night the husband and I went house hunting for about the billionth time this month. (It's really getting frustrating). We've looked at so many houses that we absolutely LOVE, but last night we didn't see anything even remotely endearing.

The first house we looked at was tiny, but had a HUGE yard. It looked cute in the pictures, so we thought we'd give it a look. We met our Realtor at the house and he informed us that "this house is currently occupied, but i doubt the owner is home. Most people don't stick around when people walk through their house." How wrong he was. The home owner DID stick around, which made the tiny house seem even smaller.

We shuffled through the living room, past the crying babies and around the corner to the master bedroom, which was FILLED with adult magazines! Now, if you're into that kind of stuff, that's your own business (I personally am completely against EVERY aspect of that industry, I think it is degrading and evil). But honestly people, if you're trying to sell your house, don't you think you could box up the magazines and DVDs for a while? They were spread out all over the place!!! Honestly, WOW.

The next house was also currently occupied, and the home owners decided to stick around yet again! I was SURE I was going to love this house. The pictures on the internet were SO cute! It had beautiful original hard wood floors, a gorgeous kitchen, and TWO bathrooms (a definite plus for our price range). So, we walk into this house with aspirations high, only to be completely let down. First of all, it had the WORST smell ever. At first I thought it was cigarettes, but then it smelled like pet urine, then it smelled like stinky feet, all covered up by a cheap nasty candle. It was gross.

So we walk around trying to look at stuff with the home owners breathing down our necks the whole time. Finally they left us alone while we checked out the basement. Ok, this next part is not for those with weak stomaches, so skip on down if you get queasy easy (ha ha!). We walk down the stairs to greet a giant pile of dog barf. I'm not talking a little dog drool on the floor, this stuff was the size of a size 13 shoe! You could see every little thing the dog had attempted to eat, only it was now all slimy and mushy. I almost lost my cookies, but managed to step over it and move on to the small bedroom. But it was all down hill from there. In every single room of the basement, there were at least 5 piles of dog barf! Gee, I thought these people were trying to SELL. Honestly, WOW.

We moved on to the next house, and the whole car ride over I tried to get the stench from the last house out of my hair, but I never really succeeded. We pulled up to yet another cute house that I, once again, had high hopes for. And, yes, you guessed it, the home owners decided they wanted to stay for the party at this house too. (Sigh). So, we walk in to a living room FULL of teenagers. I'm pretty sure someone was only half dressed before we came because they wouldn't let us in for a really long time, and when we WERE let in, there was a person with a strategically placed blanket sitting on the couch. So, we TRIED to look at the bedrooms, but all the bedroom doors were shut and LOCKED. We TRIED to look at the basement, but alot of the light bulbs were burnt out. So, really the only thing we got to look at was the kitchen. And boy oh boy was it a disaster! There were dishes piled high, the counters were covered in filth and grime, and it look like the garbage had NEVER been taken out. I mean, Honestly, WOW.

Mostly I was just completely taken back by all of these homes. I guess the owners really DON'T want to sell that badly. I really couldn't believe that they expect people to come into their homes in such a condition and expect them to WANT to make an offer. It's sad really. I mean, just, well, I guess I mean, well, HONESTLY, WOW.

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