Monday, August 13, 2012

A Beating Heart

The first person I told about my pregnancy (besides The Husband) was my little brother.  At the time, he was serving an LDS mission on the island of Tahiti.  We had been writing e-mails back and forth each week for the past year and a half.  I would mourn the absence of a baby, and he would buoy me up with encouraging words and positive scriptures like only a good little missionary brother can do.  I knew that I had put a major burden on him, sharing my infertility woes, so I wanted him to be the first to know that he no longer needed to worry, that our prayers had been answered.

I sent him an e-mail:

“Monday, November 28th, 2011

Hey Tay,

How are you doing?  I am wonderful!  So, first things first: PLEASE NOTE THIS IS TOP SECRET!!! …. I’m pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven’t told anyone in the family yet, just you.  I will probably tell everyone on Christmas, but I thought you would probably like to know.  SO… make sure you don’t spill the beans, ok?”

The e-mail continues on to ask about his mission and telling him how much I love him, etc.

His response back?  Probably one of my favorite e-mails of all time:

“Monday, November 28th, 2011

Oh My Goodness!!!!!!!  I want to cry and poop and pee and scream and yell with happiness!!!!!  I am so so happy for you Torrey!!!!  I really almost started to cry when I heard the news!!  I have been praying for you for so so long it seems like and I love it when prayers are answered!!  Take care of little Taylor for me!  Haha just kidding.  You can name it whatever you want.  I love you Torrey!!  I am going to be an UNCLE!!  Uncle Mully… I love the sound of that!”

Great, huh?  I have a great family.  I truly felt like my sweet little brother was just as thrilled with my news as I was.  I mean, c’mon, the e-mail speaks for itself.

I had my first appointment the next week.  Because I had conceived using Clomid and I have PCOS, mine was considered a “high risk” pregnancy.  By my calculations, I was only 5 weeks along, which is very VERY early to get into the doctor.  But he wanted me to come in right away.

I was very nervous to go to my appointment.  Every negative scenario raced through my mind: Ectopic Pregnancy, Molar Pregnancy, Miscarriage.  I shared my secret news with my best friend, who also happens to have PCOS.  “You may not be able to see a lot,” she warned me, “Don’t freak out if you can’t see a heart beat yet, its still so early.”  That’s when I started to pray.  I prayed and prayed and prayed that I would be able to see a little heart beat.

When I arrived at the doctor’s office, I was greeted with pure love and joy.  Most everyone there knew me and my back ground.  So, when I arrived for my first pre-natal appointment, they were almost as excited as I was.  “She’s one of our PCOS girls”, the nurse explained to another new nurse.

The doctor prepped me for the ultrasound and then the fun began.

“First let’s look at your ovaries.  See that cyst there?  That means that you ovulated!”

I was dying… yeah yeah… I ovulated, we get that. Where’s the baby?!?! 

Then the doctor moved on to my uterus.  I held my breath and said another little prayer.

“This,” my doctor said, “Is your baby.”  I examined the screen.  All I saw was a little round lump, about the size of a grape (really it was the size of a sesame seed when not magnified).  It wasn’t very cute… but then I saw it… a most beautiful sight… a heart beat.  A beautiful little heart beating away, like a blinking light, on the screen.  Hooray!  A heartbeat!  My prayers had been answered.  A little tear trickled down my cheek.

“A heart beat.” my doctor said, “That’s a very VERY good sign.”

He then checked to make sure there weren’t more little embryo’s hanging out in my uterus.  But all I could think about was that gorgeous beating heart.

My doctor explained that once a heartbeat has been seen, the risk of miscarriage drops to less than 5%.  It was such a relief to hear that.  My little grape (sesame seed) was going to be ok. 

The next thing I needed to do was announce the happy news to my family.. and so I began making plans.

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