Thursday, November 13, 2008

Marty the Friendly Ghost... or is he?

It's official!  Either both the husband and I have become VERY forgetful, or we have a ghost.

Yeah, I know you don't believe me, but it's TRUE!  

Ok, Ok... I'm still not sure if I completely believe in ghosts or not, but there have been some strange occurrences in my house that have caused me to lean toward the "Ghosts are Real" side of things. 

I'll admit, I've always had an overactive imagination.  When I was in junior high, I believed there was a ghost/demon/monster/person living under my bed because I could hear it/him/her scratching beneath my head at night. 

After several months of forcing both of my parents to sleep in my bed with me, hoping to prove to them that I was NOT crazy, (only to hear "Torrey, it's just your imagination"), we realized I was hearing my hair rub against my ear and pillow.  Yes, I know, I'm pathetic!  After we discovered I'm just massively paranoid, we dubbed they imaginary personage "Scratch", my family still teases me about Scratch to this very day.

So, maybe I AM imaging this ghost in my house, but maybe I'm not.  Listen to what has happened:

Strange Occurrence #1:
While renovating our home when we first purchased it, I went to the downstairs bathroom to fill up a water bottle.  Mind you, although we weren't living in the house at the time, it had been fully functioning just weeks prior by the former owners.  So, I turn on the sink and no water comes out.  I'm a little confused, so I go to turn off the sink and suddenly water shoots out in these short bursts.  It really freaked me out!  

Old, unused pipes?  Or paranormal activity?

Strange Occurrence #2:
The husband gets home from work and takes off his shoes by the door in our bedroom.  He goes to the kitchen, gets a snack, watches a little TV, then goes back into the bedroom.  His shoes are no longer next to the door, but UNDER THE BED!!!  

Forgetful husband?  Or a ghost with a sense of humor?

Strange Occurrence #3:
The husband and I are in the kitchen together making a salad (a Broccoli, Bacon, Crasin Salad to be exact... so yummy).  I'm on one side of the island making the salad dressing while the husband is at the stove cooking the bacon.  I get out a tupperware container to put the dressing in to cool in the fridge.  I take off the lid and set it next to the container on the island.  I pour the dressing into the container and turn to get the lid... and the husband's keys are sitting nicely on top of the lid.  

Me: Um... husband?  Did you just put your keys on top of this lid?
Husband: No, I've been cooking bacon.

Forgetful Torrey?  Or Scratch the Second?

Strange Occurrence #4:
I am in the kitchen quietly doing dishes all by myself when I see something moving out of the corner of my eye....  I look over at our iPod speaker station and the speakers are bouncing up and down.  There was no ipod hooked up, no sound coming out, just speakers moving by themselves!!!  

Power surge?  Or the ghost strikes again?

Can you see why I'm leaning toward "Ghosts are Real"?  Yeah, I thought so.  So, I start to do some research and although no one has ever died in this house... the previous owners, the ONLY owners besides us, raised a son here.  

This son's name was Marty.  Marty grew up in this house and died a few years ago of AIDS.  Uh huh, I know what you're think.... Marty is our ghost!  It's got to be him!  I mean, maybe our house is the only place he feels comfortable.  Maybe he can't move on to the other side for some reason.  Maybe I need to conduct a seance.  Yes!  I'll get lots of candles and other paranormal devices.  Maybe I could sign up for one of those ghost hunter shows...

I don't think Marty is an evil ghost or anything... I mean, he's obviously got a sense of humor.  He's never done anything to harm us, he just likes to freak us out.  The problem is, I don't feel comfortable with Marty hanging around.  It's our house, not his.  So, I'm just going to have to kick him out.  Sorry Marty....
I'll get rid of you Marty... if it's the last thing I do.  Now... how does one get rid of ghosts anyway?...


Unknown said...

That ole Marty sounds like he is up to his old tricks again...the thing that ghost does with his kills me EVERY TIME!!

In actuality though, my friend thought she had a ghost, so she lit a sage stick ( a little stick of woven sage, the herb) and burned it and cast the smoke over the windows, doors, under the bed, and everywhere in between...then told the ghost to leave in a very firm voice.

i am not kidding.

L. Webb said...

Just don't go near any television screens, especially if someone says, "They're here!"

By the way, I'd love to meet Marty during the Holidays! :)

Anonymous said...

I always wondered who Scratch was!!!! I seriously am laughing so hard - I love it!

If you do conduct a sceance (yeah, I don't know how to spell it), PLEASE invite me!! I've always believed in ghosts and have wanted to be part of a ghosty experiment!

I want a ghost!!!

Josephine Bradbury said...


Wow...great story! I would be freaked out too! One time eric and I went on a walk in Brigham City (the most haunted town around!) and it was dark and oddly quiet as we walked by a creepy deserted elementary school with broken windows! We heard some wind start to blow and both of us bolted!!! SO SCARY!!!!

Josephine Bradbury said...


Sounds scary! But that salad sounds DE-licious! I would still love to see your new house, haunted as it is!

Brittany said...

Torrey, I'm so glad I found your blog! Anyway, I think you should email me sometime.