Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Happy Wife Is a Happy Life

I'm all about hair being a means of self-expression.  Can I hear an "Amen!" people?  I mean let's consider this for a moment... our hair usually reflects who we are, right?.... at least mine does.
 For example, usually people with timid personalities, have fairly timid hair styles.  Think of it!  We've all got that one shy lady in the office with the half wavy, half straight, dish water blonde hair that's never seen an ounce of product, except for maybe  a splash of hairspray, so as to not draw attention to the static-y fly-aways covering her head.  Yes?  

Then there's they guy we all had a secret crush on in high school who was so self-absorbed that he didn't even know his own  parent's names!  You know the one!  And what about his hair?  Perfectly manicured, not a hair out of place, the only way you would expect a Narcissus-like human's hair to look.  

Then there's people like me... a new hair style every week.  I think it's because I have such a muli-faceted personality.  Some days I'm that timid lady, other days, I'm totally vain.  

It really depends on where I am in life.  I have gone through so many hair phases it's hard to say which one best personifies me, but the following are a few of my favorites....the short red bob, the long black locks, accidently orange "mom" hair, and my newest blonde high lighted "just got married so I chopped off all my hair" do.  I've secretly always wanted dreadlocks (shhh, don't tell), but I'm not brave enough to make such a commitment.  

I believe everyone should embrace hair freedom!  I mean, honestly,
 nothing feels better than a brand new hair do.  And you know what?  The great thing about hair is, if you don't like what you do, it usually grows back!  It's not like that tattoo you don't even remember getting on a wild night out.  Hair is.... well.... HAIR!  

So, here's my dilemma... if I find myself such a promoter of "hair-freedom" and "self-expression though hair" and the "it will always grow back" philosophy, why do I have such an issue with the Husband's hair?!?  ARGH!!!!

You see, the Husband, bless his heart, has decided to grow out his hair.... for TWO YEARS!!!!  The reason?  He told my brother he wouldn't cut his hair until my brother gets back from his LDS mission to Scotland.  Obscure?  Yes.  Exercising "Freedom of Hair"?  Yes.  Is the Husband's wife excited about it?  No.

I really wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for the fact that (honey, skip over this part), he's thinning on top.  The Husband really does have nice hair, he's got golden blonde curly locks of beauty... but the sides and back are so thick, and the top is so thin....  Well... you just need to see it to believe it.  I have decided that his hair looks quite similar to Wolverine and Bozo the Clown's hair...  I'll let you make your own judgements on that one...


The Husband

Bozo The Clown

I know I cannot force the Husband to cut his hair, that would be going against everything I've been expressing in this blog.... BUT!!!... I CAN post a word of wisdom for all of those crazy husbands out there, whose wives begrudgingly let them practice "Freedom of Hair", (and please, for the sake of women everywhere, Men, take this to heart).... 

A Happy Wife is a Happy Life  

(And don't you forget it!)

Ok, I'm stepping down from my soap box now... THE END.


jm said...

Ha ha ha. My sides hurt from this uncontrollable laughter. But seriously, I am having a major flashback to a concert I went to in the early, very early 80's...yes I think I have the future look of the husband's hair.
His name is Kaus Meine and he was the lead singer of the rock band The Scorpions. Go to http://www.80srockphotos.com/fcWebApp/index.php?page=shop&func=aru_reszletes&af=1&id=1&lgt=Arlista&typid=221&aruid=1560
and see if you agree.

Unknown said...

Torrey, you crack me up! For some reason I thought the heart shaped salmon was a post, so every time I checked I just saw that and thought, Dang, Torrey hasn't posted anything. Then I added your blog to my google reader and i see the truth!!

I am all about hair freedom, as you know. A beautiful side bun, or a flat ironed Vogue girl, or rolling curls a la Lana Turner...my hair is another expression of my creativity.

But hubster, wow. I am REALLY excited for this! You should have April give him the haircut at the two year mark.

But as of now....it looks like your man is on the fast track to mullet ville...and that's never good.

Unknown said...

Torrey, you crack me up! For some reason I thought the heart shaped salmon was a post, so every time I checked I just saw that and thought, Dang, Torrey hasn't posted anything. Then I added your blog to my google reader and i see the truth!!

I am all about hair freedom, as you know. A beautiful side bun, or a flat ironed Vogue girl, or rolling curls a la Lana Turner...my hair is another expression of my creativity.

But hubster, wow. I am REALLY excited for this! You should have April give him the haircut at the two year mark.

But as of now....it looks like your man is on the fast track to mullet ville...and that's never good.

L. Webb said...

I wasn't going to say anything the last time I saw you, but... well, I'm glad you said it first!

All my love and luck,