Friday, January 15, 2010

Good Days

Last week my little sister (who really is not so little anymore) said to me, "Torrey, we should go shopping together on Saturday, I think it would be fun." Mmmm... shopping. :) Yes, I do love shopping. Oh how I love it! There is something so... (dare I say?)... therapeutic about the whole shopping experience that has me hooked. The smell of new clothes, the busy atmosphere, the SHOES! I think I'm in love.

Saturday morning rolled around, and suddenly, I really wasn't in the best of moods for shopping. This happens occasionally when I don't want to spend my hard earned cash on frivolous things, or I just want to spend all day lounging in my sweats (yes, you guess it) watching White Chicks the movie with Cheetos and all. After much contemplation and pleading big blue eyed looks from my one and only sister, I thought to myself "Who am I to be a killjoy?" and we hopped in the car and left.

It wasn't a very extravagant day. We first stopped at Hogi Yogi to get a sugar free frozen yogurt (oh those New Years promises I've made to myself!!!), then we bought leggings at Target, and finished the day with knitted headbands at Tai Pan. On the way home, as we were admiring our purchases, my little sister said (after a deep satisfyied sigh) "Today's been a good day".

(Not-so-little Sister)

On wednesday I got to play with my young women. They are always so encouraging. We practiced our lip synching skills as we prepared the entertainment for our New Beginnings in a couple of weeks. I listened to the girls discuss thier woes: school, boys, bodies. After a while we decided to run to Dairy Queen to enjoy icecream. We all squeezed into a booth and chatted as we dipped french fries into our blizzards (don't worry, I resisted). I showed the girls my hairy legs and they tried to make me feel better by showing me theirs. On the drive home as we were singing to music, I heard a voice in the back seat say "Today's been a good day".

I feel like I don't get to hear that phrase frequently enough, "Today's been a good day". It seems like everyone I know only tells me about their bad days, about how stressed out they are, about how terrible their life is. I like to hear about the good days, especially if I have even just the tinyest bit to do with it. It makes my heart smile.

This morning, when I got dressed, my favorite pair of jeans fit just right (these resolutions are beginning to pay off already). My hair worked out exactly as planned. I've had a very productive day at work. My husband made me a tuna fish sandwich with pickles for lunch (my favorite) and we enjoyed "dessert" together (wink wink)... (Is that TMI?...My bad!) Right now, at this very instant, I am sitting here listening to my boss sing to music in his office, it's almost the weekend, I've decided I must eat mexican food tonight, and I'm thinking to myself "Today's been a good day".

What makes your day good?

(Don't be afraid to share, we want to know!)


Amber said...

My mom took my kids for a few hours today and I had a "good day." I worked out till my brain was clear, I showered without having to blockade the bathroom door, I ate what I wanted when I wanted to, took a nap, and watched Oprah. It was fantastic. And my mind is so calm and clear. I'm glad you had a good day, too.

Unknown said...

Your little sis has turned into QUITE a beautiful young lady! Wow! You two are lucky to have each other (and your bone structure!)

Very good day!