Friday, April 11, 2008

A Potbellied Pal!

Today I really want a Potbellied Pig. I've ALWAYS wanted a potbellied pig, ever since I was little, but today I'm especially longing for one. (sigh) They're the PERFECT pet, with their cute little chubby legs, watery snout, and adorable furry gut!

My husband doesn't understand that potbellied pigs are INDOOR pets which is why I can't have one. But he also doesn't understand that Potbellieds are the greatest pets in the entire WORLD! So, here are the reasons I REALLY want a Potbellied PIG!!!

First of all, they're odorless. Now, i realize that no living organism is COMPLETELY odorless, SO... I guess what I mean is that these pets don't smell bad ALL of the time. Hey, humans are the same way!

Next, they can be potty trained! Hooray! They will either "go" in a litter box, or in a designated part of the yard! I mean, most small children aren't even potty trained. See why they're so perfect?!

What else... Pigs are incredibly social animals. They LOVE to be around people. They are affectionate and enjoy getting their bellies rubbed. Doesn't that sound SO cute!? I want a little Piggy to cuddle up next to me so I can tickle it's little furry chin while it snorts happily away.

Most importantly, Potbellieds are driven by FOOD! They're food possessed! Why is that important to me, you may ask? Because I'm the same way! Ha ha ha!!!

But seriously, I can't think of a single reason I WOULDN'T want a Potbellied Pig! I'm thinking I may just bring one home one day, I'm sure it'll grow on my husband. And if not, well, he'll have to find someone to adopt it from me, and I'll be super picky about it's future parents! SO THERE!!!


L. Webb said...

I want one too! They're so cute... I wonder how easy it would be to take one on a plane...

T said...

It's alright, Torrey. I've gone through a dwarf hamster (we have no idea what happened, she just turned up dead one day), a gerbil (I accidentally let her outside), and a plant (I forgot to water it).

My only consolation is that babies won't LET you forget to feed them.