Friday, April 4, 2008

My First Blog!

So, this is not only my first Blog, but consequently, my first Blog Post.  To be completely honest, I feel a little insecure about the whole "Blog" thing.  Now, I'm the type of person who LOVES reading OTHER people's Blogs, but I feel totally exposed when it comes to writing one myself ... is that abnormal?  
Maybe i have a Peeping Tom syndrome or something.  Am I a scandalmonger?  Maybe I am.  But I think its different when you read about the lives of people you know and care about.  (Although I will admit I've read one or two celebrity gossip magazines.... or three or twenty.)
The fact is, I have decided that regardless if anyone actually reads this or not, I need to do this for me.  Sometimes I read other people's blogs and I think "Gee, they have the most exciting life!"  But I hope that if I reflect on my own life, I'll be much more appreciative for what I have.

1 comment:

L. Webb said...

YAY! I'm so happy you're starting a blog, because I'm so excited to read about all your crazy adventures. Don't worry, I was insecure at first too.