Monday, April 21, 2008

Domestically Challenged

Over the weekend, the husband and I were invited to Sunday dinner at my parents house (as usual), which we attended (as usual), at which we gorged ourselves (as usual), because, let's face it, I'm not exactly what some would call "Betty Homemaker". I always joke with the husband that I'm "Domestically Challenged", and he always jokes back that I'm "Not".

It doesn't really bother me, because it's true. My best friend in high school had to teach me how to make scrambled eggs when i was a Senior. I'm good at the laundry and housekeeping, and to be honest I can make a KILLER batch of cookies. But, I guess when it comes to actually making something "healthy", i bomb.

The problem lies in my prideful, self sufficient attitude. I start dinner by following a recipe to the T, I use measuring cups and spoons, I set the oven to the exact temperature as directed, but then, about half way through the recipe, my pride starts to kick in. I start to think "I don't REALLY need to measure everything out" or "I don't think that ingredient is absolutely necessary" and "ooohh!! what if I added in THIS?". See? My pride sets in, and I think I know better than the recipe. In the end, I take one bite of my disaster, it goes down the garbage disposal, and it's frozen pizza for dinner, AGAIN.

I think a big part of it is because I watch my husband in the kitchen: NO recipe, NO measuring tools, not even an idea of WHAT he's going to make! Just a smorgasbord of ingredients and a bowl, and it turns out to be this beautiful perfect gift of sweet nectar from the gods made by a mortal man with an apron and a mustache! Go figure.

Now, some women may be "put out" by their husband's ability to run circles around them in the kitchen, but I've decided to take a positive, perhaps even entrepreneurial take on the "situation". I have decided to get my husband his very own Food Network show. Something like "The Alpha Cook" or, I don't know, "Homemade Husband". He's the male version of Paula Dean for cryin' out loud! (Well, except for the obvious weight and personality differences...) I could make a SERIOUS killing off of his unique skills. PLUS, he'd be busy trying out new dishes all of the time for the show, I'd never have to cook again!!! I could have a homemade meal for Breakfast, Lunch, AND Dinner. It would save me so much time, and make me so much money.

Then again, my whole plan could backfire. I could end up never seeing my husband because he's away, filming his show, and then I'd be stuck eating cold cereal for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. But, I'm willing to take a risk. I eat cold cereal all the time ANYWAY, so I have nothing to lose! (Besides the company of a good husband). Ok now, who has Emeril's cell number?

1 comment:

L. Webb said...

It's his call... be a chef... that works. I'll watch the show!